Chapter Visit-2016
At Students for a Free Tibet, our strength comes from our grassroots network. The efficacy of our hard hitting campaigns is because of our committed student volunteers, members and supporters who never miss an opportunity to organize, mobilize and take action!
Every year, SFT-India tours the country to meet with our members and supporters. Our journey began from Ahmedabad, followed by Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai and Delhi. We visited universities, colleges, high schools, cafes and bookshops; many people heard about Tibet for the first time. Their curiosity and positive response to getting involved inspired us to work harder and more effectively!
SFT- Delhi Regional Training
SFT India’s Grassroots Director- Rinzin Choedon and s Programs Director-Lobsang Tseten started off 2016 chapter visit with a very successful Regional Training in Delhi followed by their visit in Ahmedabad, Pune, Goa, Bangalore and finally Kolkata.
In Ahmedabad we had a screening and talk in Dr. Harmony Siganporia’s class on Imagining India, followed by an inspiring session with MICA students. We also met with students from different universities in Sauhard an NGO of group of young people working towards youth development through various media, enabling the youth to voice their opinions, ideas, concerns and views over social issues.
MICA Ahmedabad
SAUHARD- NGO Ahmedabad
Next stop on our Chapter Visit was Pune- student hub, also known as the “Queen of the Deccan,”! We had a screening of Leaving Fear Behind at Symbiosis International College where we met with students who were very keen in learning more about Tibet issues. We also got the opportunity to hold a talk session the the very famous cafe in Pune- Pagdandi where we met with the owners Neha and Vishal who are long time supporters of Tibet. And we also got to meet with many social and environmental activists who shared same concerns for Tibet and promised to show their support and solidarity.
SIMC- Pune
Pagdandi- Pune
Our visit to Bangalore started off with a very successful regional training organized by our SFT Bangalore rockstars. Later that we were able to have three talk sessions in St. Joseph college. There we met with young Indians who showed great interest in knowing more about the issue of Tibet and current situation inside Tibet.
SFT Bangalore- Regional Training
This year we got the chance to meet with our Goa chapter President Pranav who single handedly handles SFT Goa chapter. Even though we didn’t got any slots in colleges to to either screen and talk yet it was truly inspiring to meet Indian youths like him.