A real living Buddha, Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, died in Chinese prison after 13 years of torture and unjust imprisonment. This is a reality of Chinese oppressive rule in Tibet. Now China’s atheist government is bastardizing Tibetan Buddhism, saying it will “authenticate” Tibetan lamas. This is a gross violation of religious freedom and a perverse interference in Tibetan Buddhism. This devious move reveals the CCP’s long-term plan to select its own pro-Beijing Dalai Lama. China can’t authenticate Tibetan lamas as its been killing them for too long. #CCPHasNoRight
Tibetan activists set up an enrollment booth for recruiting so-called “authentic living Buddhas” in protest of the Chinese Communist Party’s recent launch of a database of 870 “verified living Buddhas”. In a satirical form of protest, Tibetan activists set up a recruitment booth in front of the Dalai Lama Temple here in Mcleodganj, displaying criteria for enrolling as a “living Buddha” for the controversial database. The tongue-in-cheek criteria included “Anti-Dalai Lama” and “Pro-Chinese Communist Party”.