
Free Tibet! Action Camp

Every year SFT-India organizes a week-long intensive training in the skills and strategies of nonviolent action and grassroots organizing for the current and future leaders of the movement for Tibetan independence. Action Camp immerses participants in a comprehensive curriculum that includes the history and philosophy of applied nonviolence, grassroots organizing, campaign strategy, media advocacy, nonviolent direct action tactics, political theater, fundraising, and more. The camp brings together student activists, Tibetan community organizers, and seasoned human rights campaigners from around the world for a week of workshops, presentations, and discussions to advance the goal of human rights and freedom for Tibet. If celebration, inspiration, education, discussion, and action for the goal of a Free Tibet sounds good to you, Free Tibet! Action Camp might be for you.

Regional Youth Leadership Trainings

In addition to our Free Tibet! Action Camp, we also organize shorter workshops and trainings in cities all over India. SFT’s youth leadership programs combine celebration, inspiration, education, discussion and action to empower young people and activists to be leaders in the Tibet movement and in the movement for social justice worldwide.